Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Cable Change

The volume cable unwound when I cut it causing the cable to twist when rotating, live and learn... Alan brought over another cable he had and another head that has knobs he prefers. Sadly, this new cable was a bit short but I was able to make a short extension...

 New cable has one strand that unwound but only one strand will not affect it's performance

 This is volume cable end from the recent head. Someone must have cut it in the past, probably why it was unwound.

 I wound up the one strand on the new cable and put heat shrink over it to hold it in place. Good news is that the new cable is a bit smaller in diameter so a bit of heat shrink works...

 Interesting that the recent head's knobs are different from the other head. The recent head's two knobs are the same. The old head uses different knobs...

 This is the cable extension. I turned down some 1/4" brass rod and drilled one end for the cable.

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